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Living Anchored in Shifting Winds: A Live Virtual Evening of Reflection

A Virtual Evening of Reflection for Adults

September 29, 2020
6:30 pm to 9:30 pm

Program Cost: $30.00

This retreat is currently at capacity or registration is closed. Please call the office at 847.381.1261 with questions.


We have this anchor of hope, firm and secure (Hebrews 6:19).  

The shifting winds of change in the last few months have sent all of us rocking. How can we hold onto hope and let that be our anchor? How can we lean on God's promises to provide our firm foundation?

Even though life changes, there is a constant. Throughout the centuries, God is a steady, unshakable, and enduring presence.  The presence of God in our life offers us the gift of the Promises of God that provide a firm foundation to build our life upon and anchor our hope.  

In this live virtual retreat, Becky Eldredge (spiritual director, retreat director, and author of Busy Lives & Restless Souls and The Inner Chapel) will help illuminate the promises God made to us.  She will share practical tools and prayer practices for going to our inner chapels that will help us anchor our lives in God’s firm foundation and increase our hope, even in the midst of steady, shifting winds.

Featuring guided prayer, live talks from Becky Eldredge, handouts and resources, and time for silent reflection. Check-in begins at 6:15 pm Central Time.

Please Note: Registration ends at 3pm the day of the retreat.


A day or evening of reflection, grounded in the Jesuit tradition, is a shorter version of the Ignatian Weekend Retreat. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, a day or evening program is sure to give you the peace and serenity needed to be still and to rest in God's loving embrace.

Your day or evening of reflection includes thematic talks from our skilled Retreat Leaders, time for private prayer, celebration of Mass and a meal.

Bellarmine has two libraries, a resource center, two chapels, and many other common areas.  Outdoor spaces include a various walking trails, various prayer gardens, a gazebo, stations of the cross, as well as a few patios and outdoor chairs and benches. 

Retreat Leader

Becky Eldredge

Becky is an Ignatian-trained spiritual director passionate about inviting people closer to Christ.  She does this by accompanying people as they navigate deep waters of their faith lives through spiritual direction, writing, retreats, and as founder of Ignatian Ministries.  Becky lives in Baton Rouge, LA, where she meets with men and women of all ages for monthly spiritual direction and leads people through the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. She directs in-person days of reflections and retreats, as well as online retreats to make the Ignatian retreat experience accessible to all.  She is author of two award-winning books: The Inner Chapel and Busy Lives and Restless Souls.  Becky is part of the Archdiocese of New Orleans Spirituality Center teaching staff where she trains spiritual directors in the Ignatian tradition.  She shares life with her husband, Chris, and their three children, Brady, Abby and Mary.   Learn more about Becky’s ministry at