What is Spiritual Direction?
It is a formal one to one relationship between a director and a directee which enables that person to:
- pay attention and respond to God's personal communication,
- grow in intimacy with God,
- discern the work of the Lord in his or her life,
- live out the consequences of this relationship.
How does it work?
One usually meets with their spiritual director once a month for about an hour.
What does it cost?
For working with a professional spiritual director, there is stipend requested to help support their ministry. This fee is varies by spiritual director.
For working with a qualified intern under the supervision of a professional director, there is no fee during the internship. Interns will be available March 2025. An optional donation may be made.
If you are interested in receiving Spiritual Direction, please complete this form and an office staff member will contact you shortly after the form is received.