An Evening of Reflection for Women
Tuesday, April 15, 2025
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Program Cost: $50.00 (includes Dinner)
Join us for a prayerful and meditative evening as we experience again the story of Jesus' passion and keep vigil with his mother, Mary, the Mother of God, who remained compassionate and faithful to God even at the foot of the cross. The evening includes a simple Lenten dinner, reflection and Stations of the Cross.
A day or evening of reflection, grounded in the Jesuit tradition, is a shorter version of the Ignatian Weekend Retreat. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, a day or evening program is sure to give you the peace and serenity needed to be still and to rest in God's loving embrace.
Your day or evening of reflection includes thematic talks from our skilled Retreat Leaders, time for private prayer, celebration of Mass and a meal.
Bellarmine has two libraries, a resource center, two chapels, and many other common areas. Outdoor spaces include a various walking trails, various prayer gardens, a gazebo, stations of the cross, as well as a few patios and outdoor chairs and benches.
Carol Ann Munro is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ. In her 43 years of ministry, Carol Ann has served as a parish pastor, hospital chaplain, development officer, retreat leader and spiritual director. She is active in 12 step recovery in both AA and AlAnon, is a member of the Women’s Ministry Team at Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House in Barrington, and a volunteer with the Ignatian Spirituality Project, which provides spiritual companioning for people recovering from homelessness and addiction.