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Spiritual Exercises as GPS

An Ignatian, Silent Weekend Retreat for Adults

February 28 - March 2, 2025

Suggested Contribution: $365.00 per person

Groups Attending: Individuals

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The Spiritual Exercises call forth our deep responses (attraction and aversion) to allow us to find out where we are so we can be met by the Risen Christ in the present moment. In each encounter with Christ in the depths of our souls, we come to know the Lord and ourselves in relationship with each other.

Retreat Experience Gallery

Retreat Leader

Fr. Roc O'Connor, SJ

Since 2018, and with his provincial’s direction, Roc O’Connor, SJ has been composing and writing nearly full-time. In June of 2020 OCP published his collection of eight new songs, All Shall Be Well: The Hand of God. During the lockdown from COVID he submitted a three year writing project on liturgical spirituality for publication. It twins with his article to be published in Worship magazine, July 2021. 

Listen to a talk by Fr. Roc

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