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All Shall Be Well: A Lenten Retreat with Julian of Norwich

A Day of Reflection for Adults

Monday, March 11, 2024
9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Program Cost: $70.00 (includes Lunch)

This program begins on Monday, but there is still space available. To register, call the office at 847-381-1261.


How does God view our sin? What does it mean to say that God is Love and Mercy? Tackle these deep questions at the heart of Lent with the wisdom of Blessed Julian of Norwich. We will dive into several of the 16 visions of the Lord she recorded in "Revelations of Divine Love" over 650 years ago and discover their meaning for us today as we journey toward Easter with Jesus.


A day or evening of reflection, grounded in the Jesuit tradition, is a shorter version of the Ignatian Weekend Retreat. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, a day or evening program is sure to give you the peace and serenity needed to be still and to rest in God's loving embrace.

Your day or evening of reflection includes thematic talks from our skilled Retreat Leaders, time for private prayer, celebration of Mass and a meal.

Bellarmine has two libraries, a resource center, two chapels, and many other common areas.  Outdoor spaces include a various walking trails, various prayer gardens, a gazebo, stations of the cross, as well as a few patios and outdoor chairs and benches. 

Retreat Experience Gallery

Retreat Leader

Rachel Forton

Rachel Forton holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Relations and Religious Studies from Loras College (Dubuque, Iowa). She served as the Retreat and Communications Coordinator for Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House for six years and completed Ignatian Spiritual Direction Training there before stepping into the role of Women's Ministry Coordinator. She has a passion for helping others find God in all things through spiritual direction and retreat ministry, writing, and editing. Rachel serves on the "Prayer and Care" team of her MOPS Chapter (Mothers of Preschoolers) and finds it a great privilege to minister to women of all ages. Her most recent writings may be found at the Cora Evans website, promoting the cause for canonization of the mid-century mystic, wife, and mother ( Originally from Des Moines, Iowa, Rachel now lives with her husband and young daughter and son in Palatine, IL.