An Ignatian, Silent Weekend Retreat for Adults
April 4 - 6, 2025
Suggested Contribution: $365.00 per person
Groups Attending: Individuals, Holy Child Jesus Parish (fka St Margaret Mary, St. Henry, St Timothy) - Chicago, , Our Lady of Peace HSN - Darien
This retreat is full, but we do expect some cancellations. Please call the office at 847-381-1261 to be added to the waitlist.
This retreat will explore the close connection between Ignatian spirituality and astronomy. What are the stories of Jesuits, past and present, who have pursued scientific truth in the service of Ignatian ways of finding God? What do new discoveries in space tell us about our place in the universe and our relationship to our creator?
Brother Guy Consolmagno SJ, is a Jesuit brother, Director of the Vatican Observatory and the President of the Vatican Observatory Foundation whose research studies meteorites and asteroids. He is a native of Detroit, Michigan, received SB and SM degrees from MIT, and earned his PhD in Planetary Sciences from the University of Arizona in 1978. Along with more than 200 scientific publications, he is the author of six popular astronomy books. In 2014 he received the Carl Sagan Medal from the American Astronomical Society Division for Planetary Sciences for excellence in public communication in planetary sciences.